The Human Zoo: The Desperado - Part 1

Part 1 - Sexual Healing 

Desperado's crusty Mac Book Pro emits a familiar notification tone. Desperado leaps to attention and reads the notification from his Asian friend, Natasha - "keen for lunch?" Desperado feigns disinterest and waits 10 seconds to respond - "sure!!!!" He sprays his nether-regions with Lynx Java. 

Desperado types into the Facebook search bar - Asian Nudes. He likes the page. He is ready to go.

On route to the Wembley Hotel, Desperado pulls into a petrol station and purchases medium sized ribbed condoms - "just in case she wants the D" he says to himself. 

Natasha bores Desperado with details of an argument with her boyfriend. He pictures Natasha naked while he plays with his mashed potato. Suddenly, "I'll kill him if he hurts you Natasha". Natasha wonders why she bothers catching up with Desperado.

At home, Desperado watches Asian smut while wearing his kimono. 

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